This educational blog is created to guide students to obtain the Comptuter A+ Technician Certification and the Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3). Also, this blog shows some students' projects and the instruction how to complete the projects. If you have any questions please contact Pan Cheng at

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Creating Earth Day brochures

Our new project is to create Earth Day brochures using Microsoft Office Word. What is a brochure?

Key Terms:
  • Template - A file that contains formatting and text that you can customize to create a new document similar to, but slightly different from, the original.
  • Brochure - A small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information.
  • Landscape Orientation - the orientation of an image in which the longer dimension is horizontal. (In general, brochures are created with landscape orientation)
  • Alignment - Describes how text is positioned between the left and right margins on a page: left, center, right or justified.
  • Text Wrapping - Describe how you place your graphic in the text. Options include: Square, Tight, Behind Text, In Front of Text...
  • Bullet is a typographical symbol used to introduce items.
Requirements in your brochures:
  • All information is about Earth Day (date: April 22, 2009) and environmental protection.
  • At least one picture is tight or squared in the text (Look at the Key Terms and find out the Text Wrapping feature).
  • At least one bulleted list is showed in each brochure.
  • At least one subtitle is justified in each brochure (Look at the Key Terms and find out the Alignment feature).
  • Explain what United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is
  • Correct page arrangement
  • Save your files as "Your last name" and "Brochure", for example, ChengBrochure.
  • When you finish your projects, zoom your brochures to 2*1 pages (Click on View \ Zoom \ many pages \ 2*1 pages)
4 steps to create a new brochure (Open Microsoft Office Word 2003):

Correct Page Arrangement:
  • Front Page - Title: Earth Day, Date: April 22, 2009, a picture related to Earth Day or environmental protection.
  • Additional Information - a brief introduction, history, or background of Earth Day or Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).
  • Information 1, 2, 3 - You can discuss a) "What are the actions we should take at home, school, and work to protect the environment?" or b) "Define three environmental issues, and explain how the environmental issues are related to human beings." or c) Information about Earth Day or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that you are interested in.
  • Last Page - Contact Information, Useful Links, or Conclusion.

An Earth Day brochure sample

Informational links: (General Information) (Environmental issues) (History) (General Information)

Pictures for EPA:

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